Friday, February 8, 2008

Arrival in The Gambia

hello everyone,
my flight to The Gambia was a long journey. adelaide to sydney - 2 hours. sydney to joh'burg 14 hours, joh'burg to senegal- 9 hours with a 12 hour stop over inside a little dingy room at the airport for 12 hours with the guards holding onto my passport during this time. final flight dakar - banjul (capital of The Gambia) in a little plane. When i arrived i had to wait another two hours to be picked up. all up a 42 hour journey!! i arrived at my hotel, the safari garden, which is a small little place with white cottages and lovely gardens. i immediately went out to explore my surroundings and found the coastline. lots of gambians on the beach after work or school, went for a walk and met a man who sells textiles, so will have a shirt made in the next few days. i also forgot to mention that my luggage got lost, so hopefully it will appear in the next week or so.. i have walked around the the main st this mrning and have now met the other 8 volunteers. my impressions so far... very friendly place.. lots of greetings, smiles.. quite dry and sandy but palm trees and gumtress growing all over the place. I feel very safe and welcomed by the gambians.. temperature is about 30 degrees and sunny.. not humid yet.. ciao for now.. julie


pjmm said...

Oh no, not more textiles... seen any "Art Schools" yet?

Great to hear that things are "normalizing" after the hellish trip!


Leah & Bruce said...

Happy Birthday to Yoooouuu, welcome to club 35 in a matter of days!

Love Leah

jenni said...

Julie Julie Julie! Finally I have found you and you've left the country!! How hilarous that you are in the Gambia - and I've always wanted to visit Africa, maybe I will now!!
Hope you had a good birthday on the 14th, you are still older than me - ha ha!
Life seems a long time from the early days of teaching hey?! Every year about this time I think of you and wonder what you are doing. Will have to catch up properly one day!
Take care, stay cool and hope your luggage turns up soon, not that shopping was ever any problem for you!
love Jenni
your housemate, netballer and grower's meeting girl.