Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tumba fly

3 weeks ago, I had sore appear under my arm pit. Iintially it looked like a pimple, it then began to get infected, red and pussy. I thought it may have been a boil and I tried to squeeze it, but no luck. It just grew redder and more pussy. On day 5, a pain shot through my body when the puss seemed to moved in and out. I showed some of my friends the state of my arm pit, and one thought to could be Tumba Fly maggot. I didn’t believe her as noone I had met has had one. We placed some Vaseline over the infected area as this closes up the air hole of the maggot. Sure enough, the maggot reared its little head. My three friends and all screamed!!! It was so disgusting. After many attempts, my friend managed to pull it out. I gave birth to a 1cm long, bouncing baby maggot, was a proud moment but not quite the birth delivery I had in mind.
Tumba fly eggs land on clothes hanging outside, if they are worn immediately, they can imbed into your skin. I think I got mine from my underwear. I have photos of the maggot and will put them on in the next few weeks.

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