Saturday, December 20, 2008

'Toubab give me mintie'

After travelling with my Gambian colleague throughout our region over the past 10 months he has finally realised that being called 'TOUBAB' can be annoying.

To paraphrase....
“Julie, I was thinking about how the children scream TOUBAB at you every village we travel through. Its like me be shouted 'black man' wherever I walked in Birmingham. It's not right.”

(NO SHIT!! I thought)

Its about time he has seen how tiring living can be in the country if you have white skin. The kids scream out toubab incessantly, it is because they are excited and generally there is no malice in it, but it feels like you are a queen , freak or an exotic zoo creature.

To make matters worse, I have heard stories of tourists travelling in air conditioned comfort throwing sweets out the window. I blame these stupid tourists for the crap I have to put up with daily. Gambian adults find it amusing and encourage the practice.

Which leaves me finding it a hassle to walk in any village, even my town of Soma, which is large and I don't know all the kids. My journey on foot, car or motorbike are always to the sounds of :-

'TOUBAB give me 10 dalasi.'

'TOUBABA give me mintie'.

'TOUBAB, how are you?'

or even worse..


A long, loud whine... ahhhh!!

Suprisingly,I have never lost my temper and either ignore, say hello or speak in Mandinka.

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