My Gambian name -Aja Jawneh
It is customary for all visitors living in the Gambia to be given a Gambian name when moving into a Gambian home for the first time. The Gambian name given is usually connected to the landlord of the compound (compound is a name given to a group of shared houses and yard area, like a group of units or connnected houses). The surname given is the landlord's surname and the first name is often a family members name. Your Gambian name is then your name for your time in The Gambia.
My name is Aja Jawneh, named after the landlord's eldest daughter, Aja is also the name given to women who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca. My colleagues at work refer to me as Aja or Julie, I have given them the choice, likewise principals and teachers in my region. The adults and children around my home and Soma know me as Aja. I hear this being shouted repeatedly or sung by children as I walk past them on my way to the market.
Initially i found it strange to be called Aja and felt I didn't identify to this name that people were calling me. I grappled with being called Aja in the work setting, but I am now used to it and really don t mind, although I still provide both my first names when being introduced to people. It is practice to sign a visitors book on arrival to schools and I write both of my names as I'm still not able to let go of my identity entirely.
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